אשכול: Holy fucking shit.
צפיה בהודעה בודדת
ישן 13-09-07, 21:41   #10
חבר פעיל
הסמל האישי שלMeir787
תאריך הצטרפות: Jan 2007
הודעות: 1,965
ברירת מחדל

חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח אני נקרע מהתגובות!! חחחחח
"Somebody please shoot this asshole"
"Please tell me you were paid to do this. Or you lost a bet."

"I nominate this video for 'Biggest Attention Whore of the Year'.

C'mon dude, seriously, get some professional help. If you think Britney gives a damn about you, you're truly delusional.

Britney deserves no sympathy for being a failure at the game of Life."
Meir787 מנותק   הגב עם ציטוט